Friday, July 3, 2009

The Shop (Part 1)

In between all the other work going on around this place, there is a shop being built.

Is there a limit to how many projects can be going on at one time??

Just wondered.....
Leveling, getting ready for the concrete...

Framing it in....
It's ready for the big truck...
Now the real work starts....
Bend and stretch....
Lots of hands make lite work.
(I love that saying, it's so true.)
Half done and half to go = 1 whole shop floor.
Aren't I so smart!!
(Now you know who is doing this post, otherwise, aren't would've been AINT) Still makin it smooth....
Looking good.....
Smooth as glass!!
Dedicating this building to the Lord.
The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is in the Lord.
Proverbs 21:31The Name of the Lord is a strong tower:
the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. Prov.18:10Precious Blessings

Jon can't bring the water like a normal person, he just can't!!

Now for the changing of the elements.
From concrete to wood.
Jord and Michael getting the beams ready.
Jon never misses the camera. It reminds me of someone.
What does that look on your face mean, Gabriel?
Break time and time for a game of foursquare.
The only piece of concrete on the property big enough.
Fun, fun.
Changing of the elements, again.
From wood to metal.Father and son.
After another hard days work.
Stay tuned for part 2, coming soon.
Posted by: "You already know"


Amanda Printz said...

:-D I think y'all are the only other family we know that lives out in the country and has more than one "major" project going on at once! I hope you projects are going smoothly! God Bless
~ The Printz family

amy said...

love all the handprints and verses.Say you do have alot going on around there!