Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Happy Birthday Ben (Daddy) and Christiana

All Ben wanted for his Birthday in 1993 was another sweet baby,
and that's exactly what the Lord blessed us with.
(Labor actually started on Dec.1, but Christiana wasn't born until the 30th,
on her daddy's birthday. )
Thank you, Lord.Birthday Buddies

The Birthday Boy
Always loves a good hunt.Building our home with his little helper, Thomas.A most wonderful husband that cherishes his bride,And a wonderful father that's devoted his life to his blessings.Fishing
(Another favorite)

He loves the ocean and making creations out of God's creation. After all these years,
he still loves a good hunt!

The Birthday Girl
Yeping, (our chinese midwife) with Christiana.
(Yeping was staying with us when Christiana was born
and helped in getting things ready for the birth,
as Christiana was our fist homebirth.)
(Christiana is 1 day old and 10 lbs. in this pic.)
Gabriel taking care of his 3rd little sister.
(What to do with all these girls.)
Ariana loving her baby :)
Contentment with sugar on top :)
Zoe and Christiana
(One of the international students from Africa.)
Three little sugar cubes.
The girls having fun with the movie camera.
(Charlie Chaplin??? Ok, if you say so.)
Just enjoying life!!

Outside, no shoes, farming and dirt makes this girl happy!!

Skiing at Loveland Pass, Colorado.
(12,000 ft)
(1st time skiing or attempting to. ) Christiana (aka: Dorothy)
Ben (aka: Let's make a Deal game show host.)

Best FriendsWe love you both so much!!
Hope your Birthday is extra special because that's exactly what you are to us.
Hope this next year brings you lots of exciting adventures.
(I'm sure it will!!!)


Unknown said...

Oh!! My daddy wears overalls too!!! Rarely do you see someone in overalls these days!

Happy birthday all!

Kitty said...

Happy birthday!! :) :) I'm loving all the old pictures. :)

I think the Charlie Chaplain one is my favorite!!! That one had me laughing!!! :-D


The Brockett Bunch said...

Happy Birthday to our WONDERFUL friends!!!!! Hope you had a great day. BTW: the song was for Mr. Pollock too! :)

AuntMary said...

Happy birthsday!!!!!!!

It is very special to share a bitrhday with someone. Poor Maryberry only missed by three days sharing B-days with Me and Johnny John.
Lots of Love!
Uncle Jimbo
Aunt Mary
Cousin Matt

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Christiana!!!!
We share the the same birthday. My birthday is on December 30th and I just turned 16, too! How neat!

Hope you had a great day!
Allison Workman

Workmans said...

What neat sand castles!!!! I've tried to build them, but mine only turn out to be bumps, dribbles, and blobs. Guess that comes along with the territory of being a NC foothills girl. : ) Happy birthday to you both!


the reynolds said...

HApPy BiRtHdAy!!!

Rose said...

Happy late Birthday Mr. Pollock and Christiana! And Happy new year!!!

~ Angelina

Pollock Family said...

Thank you everybody for the wonderful comments. That was very sweet of y'all. And for the songs, texts, and emails, also, which made our Birthday so very special.

P.S. Happy Birthday Allison. That is so neat that our Birthdays are the same day and year!!

Christi and Daddy (Ben)