Monday, March 22, 2010

A day at the Gulf of Mexico

Enjoying a beautiful day.
James and Josiah Too much fun!Soaking up some Sunday sun.
Liv and Rosie
(Two of a kind)

Time for some refreshing refreshment,
The girls picnic table.
Bad news.
(But the good news is, it's dead.)
(Jellyfish) And that's the end or our show.

The setting of the sun,
after a beautiful day,
enjoying sweet fellowship,
and God's magnificent creation.
More to follow........


The Brockett Bunch said...

Looks like you guys had loads of fun togehter! Makes me miss when we came down even more, can't wait to see y'all again soon.
Isn't have you ever fun and crazy? But I guess craziness is what makes things seem so fun!
What great times!!!
Thanks for the chocolate lips, it sure does taste sweet!!

Rose said...

Another WONDERFUL day with y'all!!! The view of the sunset with the most amazing friends......... I had a BLAST, and wish I was still there fellowshiping with y'all.......... I miss you all terribly!!! ~ AG

AuntMary said...

Pulchritudinous sunset!!!

Pollock Family said...

Excuse me!!
Um, Our thoughts exactly. It's just what we were gonna say, as soon as we figure out how to say it!!

It was a beautiful sunset. It's always amazing how perfect and wonderful God's creation is, for us to enjoy.

Love you Aunt Mary